Saturday, October 30, 2010

If You Believe

I'm reading an amazing book: The Heavenly Man by Brother Yun with Paul Hattaway. I was drawn to it the first time I saw it , like I am to most books about Christian martyrs or the Chinese Church. I passed it by at that time, though, I think because I didn't have the money. Now, a year later, it crossed my path again and I quickly ordered it.

I had barely read the introduction and my heart was burning. Again I saw a depth of passion and resolve that is the unmistakable mark of the Life of Christ. The opening paragraphs tell of Brother Yun being arrested in 2001 for his involvement in spreading Christianity in China; he was beaten nearly to death and sentenced to seven years in prison. A message that was carried out of the prison to concerned family and friends did not reflect pain or loss, however. Instead, it read, "God has sent me to be his witness in this place. There are many people here who need Jesus. I will be in this prison for exactly the length of time God has determined. I won't leave one moment early and I won't stay one moment too long. When God determines my ministry in prison is complete, I will come out." Only faith refined in the fire of God could answer this way.
I remember a day last fall while walking by the river. The sound of the cold water and the crunch of fallen leaves spoke of the approaching winter. As I looked up at the bare cottonwood trees around me, the Holy Spirit asked, What do you see? I answered back in my mind: Death. No, hibernation. No... Then before I could go on, the Spirit answered His own question: In season. I had to pause and think before the words sunk in. The stark, naked tree in front of me that looked like death wasn't really dead; it was perfectly in season.

Those simple words have come back to me so many times. Often outward appearances can lead one to think that circumstances are against us. And, without Christ, they may well be. John 10:10 does warn us that the thief's purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy. But the second half of the verse gives us the more accurate picture when we are trusting in Truth: "My purpose is to give life in all its fullness." Jesus is Life. There is no death in Him, and He has conquered death for all who believe this. Therefore, no matter the circumstances we find ourselves in, there Life will be when Christ is in us.

Brother Yun found himself bloody and bruised, but still proclaimed the Life of Christ that resided within him. He knew that wherever he was, Jesus was with him bringing hope and joy, peace and victory. Circumstances that look negative on the outside will prove only to be stepping stones for the glory of God to those who believe that there is no place where Life cannot push through. Just like a bare tree looks pretty bleak but still carries life within that will break forth in spring, our lives will also burst forth with hope and promise as we believe and trust in the purpose of each season.

May the words Jesus spoke to Martha moments before raising her brother, Lazarus, from the dead, be with us always:

"Didn't I tell you that you will see God's glory if you believe?" (John 11:40)

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